Christian education is an ongoing process that all Christians are called to. Perhaps another word for education would be formation. Education/formation is not just learning a set of facts that can be repeated as we would in a history class. Education/formation is an opportunity to take in the many facets of our Christian Tradition and make them a part of who we are as individuals living in relationship with God and with one another.
To that end, The Calumet Episcopal Ministry Partnership (CEMP) offers many opportunities for Christian education/formation, such as:
Bible St.udy on: Wednesdays at 11am at St. Paul’s; Wednesdays after 12pm Eucharist at St. Christopher’s; and Thursdays at 10am at St. Barnabas, followed by the Eucharist.
Confirmation/Reaffirmation/Reception/Inquirers class: This class is designed to explore the Anglican Tradition shapes our relationship to God and to prepare individuals for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation, or to reaffirm the Sacrament that we received as children but now reexamine as adults.
Lenten St.udy series on Wednesday evenings on various topics.
Upcoming Lay Ministry training offered via the Bishop Anderson House out of Chicago.
From time to time classes are offered to prepare individuals or groups of individuals for a particular ministry. All are invited to participate in these opportunities from which we can grow to love and serve the Lord and one another.